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We are thrilled to invite you to a special church-wide outreach event on Sunday, July 7th, immediately following our second service. This is an incredible opportunity for us to come together as a church family and share the message of Jesus' love with the city of Meriden.

Event Details:

Date: Sunday, July 7th  
Time:  After the second service  
Location:  Meriden Green

Brother Sam and Sister Lisa will be leading us as we go out into the community to spread the love of Christ. Our mission is simple yet profound: to share the message that Jesus loves you with everyone we meet.

Here's what you can look forward to:
- A brief orientation and prayer session after the second service
- Dividing into small groups to visit the Meriden Green 
- Sharing uplifting messages, offering prayers, and extending invitations to our church
- Building connections and showing the love of Christ through our actions

This is a wonderful chance to step out in faith, build unity within our church, and make a meaningful impact in our community. Whether you're a seasoned evangelist or stepping out for the first time, your presence and participation will make a difference.

Let's join together in unity to shine the light of Christ in Meriden. We can't wait to see what God will do through us as we share His love with our city!

P.S. Feel free to bring friends and family – the more hearts and hands, the greater the impact!

Feel free to personalize and adjust any details as needed!