We invite you to join us for the 4th Annual March for Jesus!

Join us as we march from Hubbard Park to the Meriden Green singing praises to God and praying with people along the way, all the while reminding our city that Jesus is Lord! When we arrive at the Meriden Green, we come together for worship, pray for those who need prayer, and pray for our city, state, and nation. 

Why are we marching?

We are marching because Jesus is worthy of praise.

We worship Him publicly for the same reason we worship Him privately – it is because He is worth it! Only Jesus could be worthy of such an offering of praise.

We are marching because we are one.

We are all part of one family of faith. In each city there are many congregations but one church. March for Jesus is an invitation for all believers in our city to come together and affirm that Jesus is Lord. We establish that we are united under One King and His name is Jesus Christ. We acknowledge our love for Him and for one another.

We are marching to get the good news out beyond the church walls.

The church is people - not buildings. Jesus spent His ministry out among the people, in the public places and that is where March for Jesus takes us with the joy hope and good news of Jesus. It keeps us focused outward and reminds us to live out our faith by reaching out to others to demonstrate the love of Jesus. Taking the walls off the church makes us visible, accessible and reminds everyone of God’s great love for all people.

We are marching because we believe that prayer changes things.

Our cities face problems and difficulties. The solutions are not easy but prayer is a central key. The March for Jesus is a prayer event. It is done before God as an earnest plea for His intervention into the affairs of our cities and nation. 

Thank You to Our Sponsors!

We extend a thank you for partnering with us in making our annual March for Jesus a success! 

March for Jesus 2024

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March for Jesus 2023

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March for Jesus 2022

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March Code of Conduct

  1. Joy is the primary expression at the March for Jesus. Even boisterous expressions of joy such as cheers are appropriate. Your countenance and manner should express the joy of knowing Jesus and being a part of His family.
  2. Protest signs and banners will not be allowed. Our policy excludes signs banners and T-shirts that promote causes we agree with as well as ones which we disagree. The only agenda today is to exalt Jesus.
  3. No group is allowed to identify itself this includes churches, clubs, associations, and causes. Everyone is here to identify with Jesus.
  4. Misconduct by spectators should be met with a kind smile to express peace and forgiveness.
  5. No pamphlets or flyers are to be distributed at the March other than the materials provided by the March for Jesus organizer.
  6. Please respond to your March Leader and Praise Leaders as these volunteers are trained to guide you through the March.
  7. Members of the Police Department are escorting us today let's leave the grounds looking better than when we arrived.
  8. Welcome everyone who joins us receive with grace those who may not represent your standards of faith and conduct.

Questions & Answers

 March for Jesus calls Christians of all denominations to unite and take the joy of knowing Jesus beyond the church walls and into the streets with prayer and praise. March for Jesus is not a protest, not politically motivated, and there is no hidden agenda. We come together to joyfully to celebrate the Lord Jesus Christ and pray for our cities and nation. March of Jesus is entirely for Jesus.  Churches rise above their differences and come together because of what we all have in common – the Lord Jesus Christ. March for Jesus intends to build strong relationships and unity among churches and empower believers to establish His Kingdom here on earth. 

There is no cost to register for this event! 

Absolutely! Please use the following link to donate to the March for Jesus: Giving

Please indicate March for Jesus in your note when giving. 

Shuttles available on a first come first served basis for up to 100 people. 

Absolutely! This march is all ages! Strollers are also welcome to join! 

Please make sure to have some lunch before you come! We will have water available for marchers at Hubbard Park and plan to be finished up before dinner time! 

We respectfully ask that you keep your furry friends at home. 

This event is registered with the City of Meriden and we will have police escorts joining us for our march. 

We are committed to protecting our marchers during this event. If you are unable to march with us, we invite you to join us at the Meriden Green for worship and prayer! 

We kindly ask that your banners promote or lift up Jesus and nothing else. 

Hubbard Park

Meeting at Hubbard Park at 1:00pm

999 West Main Street
Meriden, CT